Healing from addiction takes a network of treatment and resources that focuses on the whole family. The Hoops Family Children’s Hospital at Cabell Huntington Hospital has created a program that begins once a mother gives birth and provides comprehensive addiction treatment services that promotes the bonding between mother and baby.
The MOMS (Maternal Opioid Medication Support) program was developed to provide addiction treatment services to postpartum women, not currently in a treatment program, while their babies are recovering from neonatal abstinence syndrome (a group of problems that occur in newborns exposed to addictive drugs) in the Neonatal Therapeutic Unit (NTU).
The goal is to provide medication stabilization, psychological and medical treatment, education and training that will create a solid foundation for a healthy, productive lifestyle that will benefit the mother and the whole family. This education will include a team of experts who will address the specific needs of each mother and cover everything from counseling to occupational rehabilitation with a goal to end the cycle of addiction.
Women will receive 100 days of treatment aimed at bridging care to a long-term community substance abuse treatment program that provides comprehensive services. The patients and the referring facility will remain connected to ensure that the transition of care continues.
The MOMS program is funded through grants and donations. For more information about the MOMS program, please call 304.399.1623.